We kindly invite you to our next Plastic Matters event on on October 3rd at our office building in Brussels. This event is co-organised with Denuo and aims to stimulate circularity of the Belgian …
Groupes de produits
Deep Dive into CSRD: from theory to practice
New training programme on sustainability reporting The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a true game changer and comes with many new obligations. Is your company or SME ready …
Plastic Matters
"Addressing Legislative Challenges in the Transition to a Circular Economy" On Thursday 30 May, Denuo and essenscia PolyMatters will organise their 6th Plastic Matters event at BluePoint Brussels. In …
Belgian Plastics Day
Curious to find out how innovative plastic materials are essential to tackle climate challenge? Join us at this year’s edition of the Belgian Plastics Day! essenscia PolyMatters and Agoria are pleased …
Evénement annuel bio.be/essenscia: Shaping the future of Biotech in Belgium. What’s next?
Registration for this event has been closed as we have reached the maximum number of registrations. You can join the waiting list in case of cancellations by other …
Plastic Matters
We kindly invite you to our next Plastic Matters event on the 12th of September in our office building in Brussels. This event is co-organised with Denuo and aims to stimulate circularity of the …
Plastic Matters Event – From plastic waste to valuable resource : how to boost collection?
On Friday 28th of April, Denuo and essenscia PolyMatters will organize their fourth Plastic Matters event in BluePoint Brussels. The draft Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation and the proposal …
Belgian Plastics Day – Future-proof plastics
Belgian Plastics Day - Future-proof plastics Agoria and essenscia PolyMatters are inviting you to the 4th edition of the Belgian Plastics Day on Thursday 27 October. This half day event will take …
Circular Design in Plastics: vers la Plasturgie Circulaire
Vous êtes intéressé·e par l’économie circulaire des plastiques ? Vous souhaitez connaître les bases de l’éco-conception ? Vous faites partie du monde de l’industrie, du design, associatif ou …
Benelux Lubricants Congres
Le 6 octobre, LAB, Lubricants Association Belgium, organise le Congrès annuel des lubrifiants du Benelux. LAB reprend cette année le flambeau de VSN pour cette journée de réseau inspirante. Ce …
Plastic Matters – The plastic value chain meets the automotive
Denuo and essenscia PolyMatters kindly invite you on Tuesday 27 September 2022 for their third Plastic Matters event at BluePoint Brussels. The focus of this edition is automotive. We will not only …
Evénement annuel bio.be/essenscia: ATMP: how Belgium paves the way in Europe
bio.be/essenscia’s annual event on September 26th focuses on the opportunities in the light of ATMP and how Belgium paves the way in Europe. Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) are medicines …
Webinaire l Plastiques recyclés : 1001 façons de les utiliser dans vos produits et vos commerces
Quel est le cadre légal en matière d’utilisation du contenu recyclé, quelles sont les obligations et les objectifs imposés au commerce? Quels sont les défis actuels pour utiliser du contenu recyclé? …
Circular Design in Plastics
Dans le cadre de la stratégie wallonne d’économie circulaire "Circular Wallonia", Denuo, essenscia, Inter-Environnement Wallonie, Greenwin et Plastiwin ont le plaisir de vous inviter à l’événement …
Webinaire sur les matériaux recyclés dans les emballages primaires
De plus en plus de plastiques sont mieux recyclés, y compris pour les emballages. Les matériaux recyclés dans les emballages primaires des produits alimentaires suscitent encore de nombreuses …
Belgian Plastics Day
Are you curious to learn more about the increasing circularity of plastics, the latest recycling techniques and the latest developments in plastics processing? Join the 3rd edition of the Belgian …
Evénement annuel bio.be/essenscia: Biomanufacturing: the future starts in Belgium
Inscription et Covid safe ticket obligatoires pour y participer. Plus d’informations sur cette page. “Biomanufacturing: the future starts in Belgium”. Le 21 septembre 2021, les opportunités de la …
Plastic Matters – The plastic value chain meets (for essenscia’s and Denuo’s members only)
Rendre les plastiques plus circulaires, tel est l'objectif de cet événement "Plastic Matters", co-organisé par Denuo et essenscia PolyMatters. Avec cet événement, les deux fédérations …
Webinar – The era of digital in biomanufacturing
Bits and bytes will determine the future of the Belgian biotech innovation and bioproduction landscape. Are our biotech companies ready for the digital acceleration? How do we make sure that employees …
Evénement annuel bio.be/essenscia: Agility, Belgian biotech’s booster
COVID-19, it all changed our lives. Fortunately, the crisis has shown us the ability to adapt quickly. An epic wave of collaboration and solidarity arose in the research, development and manufacturing …
Annual EFIB 2019
Industrial Biotechnology is currently worth €23 billion representing just 6% in sales of the overall worldwide chemicals market. However, it is significantly out-performing the overall chemicals …